
Monday, March 21, 2011

A day with Hijabers Community,,

from left to right: riri-me-tantri,fithri-puputmelati-me,fithri-me-bintang

left to right : me with dhatu rembulan, lulu luthfiyah and ria miranda

left to right : me with bintang, irna mutiara and fifi alvianto

with dian pelangi,ina rovi,lulu luthfiyah and jenahara,plus fithri and bintang ^_^
This was at Hijabers Community Launching in Pondok Indah Lestari, March 19th 2011
Its really fun being there,but i didnt prepare well so i didnt took much photos there.
Special Thanks to : Fithri El Hassan (my sister as fotografer)

1 comment:

  1. haloooo salam kenal

    aku kmrn juga datang ke acara itu lohh
